Idaho is unique in more ways than I can count and I have lived here most of my life. Most front of mind at this moment, Idaho weather! We are spoiled and cursed in our lovely state thanks to mother nature. Now I may have grown up in a greenhouse but it took quiet a lot to get me to actually garden. What was the magic answer? Vegetables. I wanted to grow something that gave back to me. I could tell the hard work by the flavor of my salsa, nothing was more rewarding.
So how to start your own?
- Decide what you want to eat! Write out the things you would like to grow and write it down. Or type it into Evernote in your smartphone…whatever works best for you.
- Figure out WHERE you will grow it? You need 8 hours or more of direct sunlight for most vegetables so location can be very important.
- Soil amendment. You are only as good as your foundation. Vegetables like to feed on living matter so I recommend to amend your soil with compost.
- Go visit your local nursery or garden center. Find out what they have. Check out their catalog on their website. What do they recommend?
- Check the weather and start planting! When I say check the weather, specifically check when the last expected freeze date is and if you’re are good to plant whatever it is you are putting in the ground.
- OK so…what next you ask? Plants like consistency so get a routine going on watering and feeding. Early in the morning is a great time to water. You want to avoid the middle of the day and getting water directly on the leaves for this could cause damage when the sun hits them. I recommend feeding once every 7-10 days depending on what you are using. Best rule of thumb is to follow the directions of the fertilizer on their label.
- Then, watch it grow. I keep my tags and take notes on what I like, troubles I had, things I want to change the following year, anything that I would want to remember the following spring. And plan fun recipes to make the best of your harvest to come.
Gardening isn’t rocket science. It does take some trial and error and it is about the experience. You will learn new things every year. It does get easier and you will find what works best for you.
If you have specific questions please feel free to reach out to us on Facebook and ask away.
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