Cabbage Stonehead


Stonehead:  Stonehead cabbage forms small, round globes that average between 4 and 6 pounds. The flavorful heads are perfect raw ingredients for slaw and in salad and is equally delicious in cooked recipes. The heads mature early and resist cracking and splitting. This can extend the harvesting season as not all Stonehead cabbage plants need to be harvested at the same time.

50 Days

Size Available: 1204

Cabbage Stonehead



Cabbage is a brassica crop — related to broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts — that thrives in cold. Because of its frost tolerance, cabbage is perfect for starting your gardening season early in spring or for extending it into the fall. Cabbage isn’t just a cool-season crop — it’s a cold-season crop. It can tolerate frosts as cold as 20 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, in hot weather, cabbage will “bolt” which means it will send up a flower stalk before the plant is ready to harvest. A bolted cabbage will turn bitter and won’t form the head that gardeners desire. To avoid bolting, cabbage planting should be timed for a spring crop or a fall crop. Note that fall-grown cabbage that matures in cool weather will be sweeter than spring-grown cabbage and far less likely to bolt.