Canna Lily Cleopatra

Calla Lily  KAN-uh  LIL-ee

Cleopatra: Canna ‘Cleopatra’ is an uncommon ornamental Canna Lily that is truly a conversation piece in the garden. Characterized by dramatic streaks of chocolate brown and lime green, Canna ‘Cleopatra’ shows this dual nature in her flowers as well, which are half red and half yellow. A multi-colored gem of a flower, Canna Lily Cleopatra blooms have streaks, speckles and blocks of vivid color for a truly unique and textural bloom!

Partial to Full Sun

Height: 4-5’/Spread: 18-20″

Summer to Frost

Size Available: 2 Gallon

Canna Lily Cleopatra

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Canna Lily   KAN-uh  LIL-ee

Canna gained popularity during the Victorian era between 1860-1910, when European gardeners created more formal gardens. At the beginning of the 20th century, gardens transformed into more informal and relaxed perennial borders and the Cannas decreased in their popularity. However, modern breeders are releasing hundreds of cultivars, hence why the comeback is so strong! Canna lilies are low maintenance and easy to grow; both their flowers and foliage offer long lasting color in the garden. The flower color may be red, orange, yellow, coral or a combination of those colors. Depending on the variety, foliage color varies from green to maroon, bronze and variegated types. They grow well in the garden or in containers.