Geranium Fantasia® Violet

Geranium (Zonal)  jer-AY-nee-um

Fantasia® Violet:  An exceptional collection of free-flowering, highly heat tolerant Geraniums with a strong mounding habit. The semi-double bright purple-ish pink-ish flower is a classic choice for sunny borders, hanging baskets and containers.

Full to Part Sun

Height: 14-16”/Spread: 14-16”     

Spring to Frost

Size Available: 1201 

Geranium Fantasia® Violet

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Geranium   jer-AY-nee-um

The geranium is an iconic, fragrant garden flower. American growers first fell in love with the geranium flower over 200 years ago, and it’s not hard to see why. Geraniums fill hanging baskets, containers and flower beds with fancy leaves that are as attractive as the clusters of dainty blooms they surround. Planting geraniums can be extremely easy and rewarding. Geraniums are easy-care abundant bloomers whose bright flowers will blossom from spring until fall. Most annual geraniums need a spot in full sun. Geraniums are easily maintained with proper deadheading which is recommended to encourage multitudes of new blooms.