Grass, Panicum Hot Rod

Grass, Panicum 

Hot Rod:  This Switch Grass has it all! The Hot Rod is a clumping grass, drought tolerant, tolerant of damp soils, compact and offers beautiful coloring. The upright blue green foliage of the Hot Rod Panicum turns into a deep burgundy with the fall season. Fluffy panicles produce seed heads that stay on through winter making the Hot Rod Switch Grass a perfect choice of plant to attract songbirds to your winter garden setting.

Zone 4

Full to Part Sun

Height: 36-40″/Spread: 24-36″

Foliage Accent

Size Available: 1 Gallon

Grass, Panicum Hot Rod

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Grass, Panicum 

Switch grass, Panicum virgatum, is one of many native prairie grasses that have been developed as ornamental grasses. Switchgrass – also called tall panic grass, tall prairie grass, wild redtop, thatch grass, and other common names – is one of the main species of grasses of the North American tallgrass prairie, ranging from southern Canada to Mexico, over most of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. It can be found in remnant prairies, in pastures, along roadsides in many areas, and even in brackish marshes. In the garden this species can provide nearly year-round interest, as the plants remain upright throughout the winter. It is also employed for soil conservation (to prevent erosion) and as forage or hay for cattle (but not other livestock), and it’s use as a biofuel has been explored by researchers. It is hardy in zones 3-9.