Leucanthemum Whitecap Improved

Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)  lew-KAN-thih-mum

Whitecap Improved: Deer & rabbit resistant. An improvement over ‘Snowcap’ blooming up to two weeks earlier. These classic daisy blooms flower abundantly through the spring and summer. They hold up in heavy summer rains and attract butterflies. A no-hassle addition to gardens of all sizes!

Zone 4

Full to Part Sun

Height: 14-16″/Spread: 14-16″

Spring – Summer

Size Available: 1 Gallon

Leucanthemum Whitecap Improved


Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)  lew-KAN-thih-mum

Introduced to the garden world in 1901, the Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum ×superbum) is a hybrid combining the best qualities of the oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), English field daisy (Leucanthemum maximum) and Portuguese field daisy (Leucanthemum lacustre). It was bred by American horticulturist Luther Burbank as an easy-care ornamental alternative for the home garden. He aptly named his showy new flower after the snow-capped Mount Shasta, located not far from his home in Northern California.

Today’s Shasta Daisy cultivars offer larger, longer-blooming flowers available in single, double, quilled and fringed forms, some even having yellow petals. You now have a broader range of plant heights to choose from as well, from container-friendly versions under a foot tall to waist-high varieties just right for petal plucking.