Marigold Marvel Yellow

Marigold, African Type  mare-E-gold

Marvel Yellow:  The Marvel Yellow Marigold is a new, intermediate-type African marigold that offers improved branching, earliness, flower size and a brighter yellow color. The series is uniform under both short and long days. Sturdy stems hold up in windy, poor weather conditions. Marvel is the taller African Marigold series; approximately 20% taller than the Inca Series. Marvel is an excellent choice for landscapers looking for a taller marigold series.

Full Sun  

Height: 18”/Spread: 10”                


Size Available: 1204 & 1 Gallon

Marigold Marvel Yellow

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Marigold, African Type  mare-E-gold

The marigold has long been associated with the sun. African marigolds, which are actually native to Mexico and Central America, were sacred to the Aztecs who used them as a medicine and as a ceremonial offering to the sun gods. In Mexico, African marigolds are a traditional flower placed on altars on The Day of the Dead. African marigolds are annuals that bloom from early summer until frost. They are taller and more tolerant of hot, dry conditions than French marigolds. They also have larger flowers that can be up to 6 inches wide. If deadheaded regularly, African marigolds will usually produce many large blooms all season long. They grow best in full sun and actually seem to prefer poor soil. Growing African marigolds around vegetable gardens to repel harmful insects, rabbits and deer is a gardening hack that goes back for centuries. The scent of marigolds is said to deter these pests. While marigolds deter pests, they attract bees, butterflies and ladybugs to the garden.