Melampodium mel-am-PO-dee-um
Melampodium, or Butter Daisy, is a small, reliable, low maintenance summer annual in the aster family. It is a hardy plant, maturing to 2 feet high and a foot wide. The plant is native to Mexico and Brazil. The prolific daisy-like yellow flowers bloom from May until frost and contrast well with the bright green foliage. The leaves are opposite, slightly fuzzy, and have smooth, wavy, or slightly toothed margins. Genus name comes from the Greek melam meaning black and pous meaning foot for its black stalks. The species name means spreading or growing in a straggling manner.
It is one of the easiest annuals to grow in evenly moist, well-drained soils and full sun. Watering should be consistent, but occasional, and the soil should be slightly dry. Once established, Melampodium is drought tolerant and does well in humid summers.