
Morning Glory Heavenly Blue

Morning Glory    

Heavenly Blue:  Planted with a 3’ hoop trellis. A highly popular variety of Morning Glory, award-winning Heavenly Blue is a lovely annual vine with heart-shaped leaves and vibrant, azure-blue trumpet-shaped flowers. Opening in the morning to reveal their white an yellow throats, the flowers close in the afternoon, hence the common name. Heavenly Blue is prized for it’s quick growing and climbing habit.

Full Sun  

Height: 8-10” /Spread: 6-8’             


Size Available: 2-Gallon

Morning Glory Heavenly Blue


Morning Glory

The common morning glory is often the first flowering vine that gardeners become familiar with. The brightly colored trumpet-shaped flowers of the common morning glory have a slight fragrance and are popular with butterflies and hummingbirds. The buds are twirled up tightly and unfold when the sun hits them in the morning, giving them their unique name. The eye-catching vines are very low maintenance as you don’t need to prune or deadhead them as they grow. Have a trellis or other support in place wherever you plant your morning glory and the vines will soon find the support and train themselves to grow on it.