Osteospermum Sunshine Beauty

Osteospermum (African Daisy)  oss-tee-oh-SPUR-mum

Sunshine Beauty:  Sunshine Beauty has vibrant orange edges that fade into a yellow center. New blooms emerge in brighter, more vibrant hues that lead to three shades of blooms at one time. This hardy annual variety will fill your beds, borders and patio pots with shades of orange and gold that would rival the sun itself! Bushy, mound-forming plants remain neat and compact, with a good branching habit.

Full Sun

Height: 10-14”/Spread: 14-20”         


Size Available: 1201

Osteospermum Sunshine Beauty


Osteospermum (African Daisy)  oss-tee-oh-SPUR-mum

Osteospermum is from Africa, hence the name African daisies. Growing African daisies require conditions similar to those found in Africa. It likes heat and full sun and prefers evenly moist, well-drained soils. However, too-wet soil is a sure way to stress out, and even kill, osteospermums. Once they are established, they are fairly tolerant of drought. Remove any spent blooms and fertilize regularly to keep them blooming and looking their best. Osteospermum flowers close up at night so don’t worry if you see your plants folding their tents when the sun goes down!