Petunia Supertunia® Black Cherry®

Petunia   peh-TEWN-yah

Proven Winners Supertunia® Black Cherry®:  How deep can red flowers get? Find out with Supertunia Black Cherry Petunia. These best-selling petunias have it all, including deep red color with even redder, nearly black, accents. Planted in full sun, Supertunia® Black Cherry® maintains a nice full and tight habit that displays tons of flower color in your landscape. This vigorous grower offers a slightly mounding habit that functions as both a filler and a spiller.

Full to Part Sun

Height: 4-12″/Spread: 18-24″

Summer to Frost

Size Available: 4.25


Petunia Supertunia® Black Cherry®


Petunia   peh-TEWN-yah

Proven Winners Supertunia® Series:

Supertunias® are, quite literally, a super petunia. They have been breed and tested for excellence in performance, flower power and overall habit by the folks at Proven Winners. Petunia Supertunia® is marketed by Proven Winners and has been proven to perform well all over the county. These plants are an excellent choice for use in ground plantings, hanging baskets and in combination planters. Supertunias® are bred to be sterile and do not produce viable seed. This makes them more vigorous than typical petunias, allowing them to put more energy into flowering than producing seed. The Supertunia® family of petunias are self cleaning, therefore you do not need to deadhead to keep them looking beautiful all summer. We do recommend fertilizing your Supertunia® every 1-2 weeks with a water soluble fertilizer. This helps keep your plants well nourished, providing you with loads of colorful blooms.

Within the Supertunia® Series, there are several groups: Supertunia®(classic/regular), Supertunia® Vista® and Supertunia® Mini Vista® . Each type has varying mounding habits, trailing habits, flower sizes and more. Even though they are often confused, Supertunias® and Wave® petunias (or Tidal Wave® petunias) are not one in the same. Wave petunias are grown from seed (and therefore produce seed and fewer flowers) and are not self-cleaning.