Zinnia Magellan™ Pink

Zinnia   ZIN-ee-uh

Magellan™ Series:  This bedding zinnia has been bred for exceptional performance in the garden. Plant habit and flower bloom time are uniform across the different Magellan colors and make an excellent choice for gardeners. In the garden, secondary branching grows up and over the first flush of flowers, covering the spent blooms with no dead heading required. The Magellan series flowers continuously throughout the season.

Pink: Classic medium pink colored double blooms.

Full Sun

Height: 12-14”/Spread: 10-12”      


Size Available: 1201

Zinnia Magellan™ Pink

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Zinnia   ZIN-ee-uh

Zinnias are native to Mexico and Central America. The Aztecs originally called them “plants that are hard on the eyes” because of their colorful flowers. Zinnia is named after Johann Gottfried Zinn, a German botany professor who discovered these plants and brought them back to Europe in the 1700s. One of the easiest annuals to grow, zinnia flowers bring an explosion of color wherever they go. The show lasts from late spring until the first frost in fall. Butterflies and hummingbirds are attracted to the cheery flowers that bloom in nearly every bright color imaginable. They grow quickly and reliably, making them a great choice for first-time flower growers. Add with their low maintenance requirements and the variety of sizes and shapes, and you can’t lose!