Aquilegia Kirigami™ Deep Blue & White

Aquilegia (Columbine)   ack-will-LEE-jah

Kirigami™ Deep Blue & White:  Kirigami™ Deep Blue and White needs less chill to initiate flowers than other columbines, which means you can have blooms the first year. Established plants flower over an especially long season, from early spring to early summer. Use Kirigami Deep Blue and White columbine in beds, mixed borders, cottage gardens, cutting gardens and containers.

Zone 3

Full Sun to Part Shade

Height: 14-24″/Spread: 12-20″

Late Spring to Summer

Size Available: 1 Gallon

Aquilegia Kirigami™ Deep Blue & White


Aquilegia (Columbine)   ack-will-LEE-jah

The perennial columbine (Aquilegia), aka granny’s bonnet, displaybell-shaped, spurred flowers ranging in color from light pastels to bright reds, yellows, oranges, purples and bi-colors from midspring to early summer. Once started, columbine propagates for years and although they are perennials, they also multiply rapidly by self-seeding. There are more than 70 species, including several native North American varieties. Most columbine blooms from mid-spring to early summer. Columbine flowers attract butterflies, bees, moths and hummingbirds. The leaves have a lacy appearance and although they look delicate, columbine is hardy and resilient. Columbine is deer-resistant and drought tolerant, too.