Calendula Bon Bon Mix

Calendula  kuh-LEND-yuh-luh

Bon Bon Mix: Bon Bon Series Mix grows one of the most celebrated, lush, and brilliant blooms of any calendula. Bon Bon Mix promises conveniently dwarfed 12 inch tall bushy calendula mounds bursting with dense 2-3 inch fully doubled pom-pom blooms. Bon Bon Mix is an ideal grow for planters, containers, and patios or as the star to any fresh cut bouquet or arrangement. Bon Bon Series is a vigorous garden performer and matures sooner than other calendula varieties.

Full Sun

Height: 10-12”/Spread: 6-8”       


Size Available: 1201

Calendula Bon Bon Mix

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Calendula  kuh-LEND-yuh-luh

Calendula or Calendula officinalis, is a hardy annual, and member of the Asteraceae or Compositae family, which share a central disc surrounded by spoon-shaped petals. Notable species include daisy, arnica, Artemisia, chamomile, chrysanthemum, dandelion and Echinacea. Also known as Pot Marigold, English Marigold, Poet’s Marigold, or Summer’s bride, the original species were contained to yellow and orange single blossoms, yet many new hybrids have been bred to develop a range of differing shades of apricot, orange and yellow, with double ring of petals, as well as plants of shorter stature for borders, and longer stems for the cutting garden.

Often mistaken for the more familiar French and African pom-pom flowers known as marigolds, (Tagetes), it is not directly related, yet both produce bright yellow and orange blossoms that add a sunny personality to the flower, herb or vegetable garden.