Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)

Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts) dye-SEN-truh

spectabillis:  A classic charmer! One of the oldest but still irreplaceable perennials in cultivation. Old-fashioned Bleeding Hearts form large, bushy clumps of powdery-green foliage comprised of cut or lobed leaves on fleshy stems. In late spring, chains of puffy heart-shaped flowers with rose-pink petals and white tips dangle beneath the arching, leafless stems.

Zone 3

Full to Partial Shade

Height: 24-30″/Spread: 30-36″


Size Available: 1 Gallon


Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)


Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)  dye-SEN-truh

Dicentra is an elegant, easy care perennial for shady gardens. More commonly known as bleeding heart, it is named for its heart-shaped blossoms that dangle from slender, arching stems. Delicate, fernlike foliage creates a perfect backdrop for the flowers.

Dicentra is a great companion for other shade loving perennials such as hosta, astilbe and ferns, as well as summer-blooming bulbs such as caladiums and begonias. Generations of gardeners have lost their hearts to dicentra’s charm.