Gazania ga-ZAY-nee-uh
Gazania is a warm-weather perennial with large composite flowers in vibrant shades of yellow and orange. Large daisy-like flowers open bright sunlight and close in the evening. With its vibrant color spectrum, this low-maintenance flower is excellent for brightening up hard-to-landscape spaces. The plant is a prolific bloomer that attracts butterflies. Plant gazania in mid or late spring when the soil has warmed. Gazania flowers are ideal for any gardener who is looking for an eye-catching bloom that doesn’t require much maintenance. Gazania plants don’t mind the heat that radiates off the pavement, so you can include them in your sidewalk gardens or alongside your driveway. Their preference for well-drained soil makes them a natural choice for a rock garden. The leathery foliage of gazania plants is a clue to the high drought tolerance of this flower. Let the soil dry out between watering.