Lamiastrum lay-me-AS-trum
Yellow archangel is the common name of Lamiastrum galeobolon, an herbaceous perennial plant used as a low-growing ornamental. Lamiastrum means “resembling Lamium“, referring to the similar-looking deadnettles that are also grown as ornamental ground covers. This species was once classified as Lamium galeobdolon; that name and the synonym Galeobdolon luteum are still occasionally misused in the nursery trade. This Eurasian native in the mint family (Lamiaceae) is hardy in zones 4-9. The elliptical to triangular leaves have coarsely toothed edges, an acute tip and are covered with fine hairs. They are medium to dark green but cultivated forms are variegated with silver markings. The opposite leaves are borne on square stems (typical of the mint family). Plants are semi-evergreen, retaining their leaves through mild winters but dying back to the ground in cold climates in the winter and re-emerging in early spring. Plants grow up to a foot tall as a procumbent mat. This creeping plant spreads by rooting at nodes, from stem and root fragments, and by seed.