Peony Sarah Bernhardt

Peony  PEE-uh-nee

Sarah Bernhardt: Sarah Bernhardt is a beloved Peony with large double flowers in fresh, pastel pink. Introduced in 1906, this longtime favorite blooms dependably year after year and presents a healthy amount of emerald green foliage to add interest to the garden throughout the season. Also known for its fragrance, Sarah Bernhardt makes a great cut flower – try it in arrangements or float it all by itself in a simple bowl. Like all peonies, this one is deer resistant, cold hardy and extremely long-lived.

Zone 3

Full Sun to Part Shade

Height: 2-3’/Spread: 2-3′

Late Spring – Early Summer

Size Available: 2 Gallon


Peony Sarah Bernhardt


Peony  PEE-uh-nee

Peonies are perennial garden classics, loved throughout the world for their extravagant, early summer blossoms. They are dependable, incredibly long-lived plants and will bloom for generations with little attention. As cut flowers, peonies have no rivals. Alone or in mixed bouquets, they have an elegant natural beauty and a delicate, unforgettable perfume. Peonies are sun-lovers and perform best when they get at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. The more sun they get, the better they’ll bloom, so plant your peonies in the sunniest location possible.

Peonies should be planted in well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral to slight alkaline pH. Over time, they will develop a large root system and become difficult to move. Take time to site your peonies in a place where they can grow happily for many years. Once established, the plants are relatively drought resistant.