Petunia Hurrah™ Blueberry Muffin Mix

Petunia  peh-TEWN-yah

HurrahBlueberry Muffin Mix:  A long-time favorite, multiflora petunias bloom early season and are long lasting garden performers. Fills garden beds and containers with vigorous, mounded plants covered with medium sized, purple and lavender hued blooms.

Full to Part Sun

Height: 8-10”/Spread: 12-14”         


Size Available: 1204

Petunia Hurrah™ Blueberry Muffin Mix


Petunia  peh-TEWN-yah

Pretty petunias are one of the most popular flowers because of their exceptional blooms and long flowering period. These colorful annuals can really add interest to a front lawn and are often used in borders, containers, hanging baskets or even as a seasonal groundcover. Some even have a slight fragrance. The most important requirement for growing petunias successfully is a location with plenty of light.  Many varieties will thrive even if the soil is not rich and have undemanding requirements for watering. Some petunias are more suited to container growing, while others are better for massing in the garden. Whether you like the old-fashioned types or the fancier, new varieties, there truly is something for everyone when it comes to petunias!