Snapdragon Snapshot™ Plumblossom

Snapdragon snap-drag-in

Snapshot™ Series:  A fresh Spring look with strong garden performance. These bushy, low-growing plants have closely spaced, full flower spikes in a broad range of colors. Strong landscape performance in cool conditions.

Plumblossom: The Snapdragon Plumblossom produces pink and white blooms atop its strong, spiky green foliage. Its blooms are atop the foliage and bloom through early Spring, Summer and Fall.

Full to Part Sun

Height: 6-10”/Spread: 12-14”     


Size Available: 1204

Snapdragon Snapshot™ Plumblossom


Snapdragon  snap-drag-in

With more than 40 kinds of snapdragon plants all over the world, the snapdragon is a gorgeous flower that not only has a beautiful appearance and a fun-to-say name, but also a lot of hidden meaning. Named many centuries ago, this flower is often used as a gift between friends and loved ones. The common English name “snapdragon” is taken directly from the appearance of the flower. The simple leaves are usually lance-shaped. The flowers are tubular, bilaterally symmetrical and usually large with a closed liplike mouth that excludes most insects but can be forced open by strong bees, the main pollinators. The flowers can be white, yellow, orange, red, pink or lavender, or combinations of those colors.  The snapdragon symbolizes grace and strength after its upright growing habit and harsh native habitat.