Strawberries Ozark Beauty


Ozark Beauty: Ozark Beauty strawberry plants were developed in Arkansas and have proven to be one of the most popular and adaptable of the everbearing strawberry varieties. They are particularly well-suited for more northern climates. Since this variety of strawberry plants produces a fair amount of runners, they can be planted in either the hill system or matted row. However, during the first growing year, it is best to remove all but 2-3 runners from each Ozark Beauty strawberry plant to maximize the size and quality of the strawberries and to help the strawberry plants root more effectively.

Everbearing & Day-Neutral

Size Available: 1201

Strawberries Ozark Beauty



Strawberries are one of the easiest fruit to grow and great for beginners! The taste is far more flavorful than what you’ll ever find in a grocery store. The best thing about strawberries is that they’re very easy to grow in almost all climates and soils across the United States and Canada—as long as you plant them in a location that gets full sun. Moss Greenhouses grows 2 types of strawberries: Everbearing and Day Neutral.

  • Everbearing varieties produce a big crop in spring, produce lightly in the summer and then bear another crop in late summer/fall. These varieties form buds during the long days of summer and the short days of autumn. The summer-formed buds flower and fruit in autumn and the autumn-formed buds fruit the following spring.
  • Day-Neutral varieties produce fruit continuously through the season until the first frost: Insensitive to day length, these varieties produce buds, fruits and runners continuously if temperature remains between 35° and 85°F.