Begonia Dragon Wing® Red

Begonia  be-GON-yuh    

Dragon Wing® Red:    Noted for it’s tolerance to hot weather, Begonia ‘Dragon Wing Red’ is famed for it’s lush and attractive angel-wing shaped, shiny dark green foliage and it’s cascades of dangling clusters of bell-like scarlet-red flowers. Even when the temperatures blaze, Dragon Wing begonias keep pumping out the color in the landscape or containers all season. Prefers partial shade and good air circulation. This favorite among the shade-loving plants will add bright notes of summer color to your beds, borders and containers.

Part Sun to Full Shade

Height: 15-18”/Spread: 18”         

Late Spring to Frost

Size Available: 1-Gallon          


Begonia Dragon Wing® Red

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Begonia  be-GON-yuh  

Begonias have been around for ages, and with good reason: this easy-to-grow annual does well in a variety of conditions and needs little to thrive. Provide it with light shade, rich well-drained soil, ample water and plenty of fertilizer and you’ll be rewarded with stunning flowers and foliage. With so many different shapes, sizes and colors, begonias have no problem taking the spotlight in any garden setting.  Begonias perform best in warm environments, so planting after there’s no more chance of frost will allow them to thrive. Be patient after planting. Begonias take a bit of time to get going, and you usually won’t see a burst in growth until after the summer heat kicks in.