Calibrachoa Cha-Cha™ Frosty Lemon

Calibrachoa (Million Bells)   kal-ih-bruh-KOE-uh

Cha-Cha™ Frosty Lemon:  Cha-Cha series is 25% more vigorous than Cabaret series with large, cascading blooms. Bright white flowers with yellow throats are uniform in size with an early flowering time. Perfect for large containers, hanging baskets and mixes.

Full to Part Sun

Height: 6-12”/Spread: 12-24”        

Spring to Frost

Size Available: 1201   


Calibrachoa Cha-Cha™ Frosty Lemon


Calibrachoa (Million Bells)   kal-ih-bruh-KOE-uh

Calibrachoa, also known as million bells, is one of the most popular plants for growing outdoors in containers. The plant comes in a rainbow of colors: solids and two-tones, stripes, patterns and stunning double blooms. Calibrachoa is a prolific bloomer and produces 1-inch blossoms that resemble tiny petunias. The compact leaves are oval-shaped and a bit sticky. In most growing zones, million bells is best planted in the spring. It can bloom continuously through the growing season until first frost and its flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. It’s also a fast grower and quickly reaches toward the ground as a “spiller” when grown as a container plant. Because of its trailing habit, it looks great in hanging baskets, bowls or mixed containers.